UKG Data Integration
January 31, 2024
- UKG to Multidev
- New and updated employee records need to be loaded into Multidev EMPLOYEE.
- Multidev EMPLOYEE is used by POS to allow or prohibit users from logging into POS.
- UKG is being configured to automatically create a file of new and changed employee records once per day.
- UKG is notoriously slow in addressing custom requests and the consultant working through this process (Ben Willis) is waiting on support from UKG.
- When UKG configuration work is completed, the file will be automatically placed that file on an external FTP site.
- UKG does not support user data/user accessible FTP resources and we are using Spiderlink.
- Universe Support
- For the near future, we will be maintaining Universe SLSP.MST for new and updated employee records a file that is identical to the file from UKG could be generated in Universe.
- Please refer to other comments made about the maintenance of Universe processes after the initial Go Live in Multidev.
- Multidev’s MD Data Transfer will can be configured to:
- Retrieve a file from an FTP site and place it on a local network resource.
- Whether the file is retrieved via FTP (or is directly written by a Universe processes), the file will automatically be imported in Multidev EMPLOYEE.
- TO DO:
- Source of file to be used at Go Live needs to be set.
- If the source is Universe, this extract needs to be written (could be Informer).
- The MD Data Transfer process needs to be fully*** configured.***
- Time
- There was an initial discussion to download time from UKG’s timekeeping system and load that data into Multidev to support time on task and hourly sale productivity reporting in Multidev.
- Currently, there is no plan or roadmap in place for this data transfer and/or the configuration of the related reporting in Multidev.
- Other input to Multidev
- Associate and Store Quotas
- For Smartforms to calculate commissions and report on intra-month store performance (there are no store/RDM bonus calculations being done in Multidev), store and associate quotas must be imported into Smartforms.
- There are two predefined import processes as action menu items under the usage Quotas (Employee Management\Quotas (Store and Associate).
- Stores:
- Collection of store quota information is currently being done at the beginning of the month.
- A CSV file is built externally by accounting and Universe UT111CSV is used to update STR.QUOTA.
- ***TO DO: ***The format of the file to be imported into Multidev needs to be reviewed and communicated to accounting.
- Associates:
- Collection of associate quota information is currently being done at the end of the month.
- TO DO: For*** ***intra-month reporting of associate quota and commission performance to be done in Multidev, collection of associate quota information needs to be moved to the beginning of the month.
- Associate and Store Quotas
- TO DO: The POST option on this program (updates SLSP.QUOTA) could be replaced by an output program (alter Proof Quota Worksheets-CM317) to output a CSV file for import into Multidev.
- Other input to UKG
- Time
- UKG timekeeping is used to record hourly employee work hours.
- Data is unloaded to a network share (could be a local workstation) from UKG timekeeping using their UKG website.
- Unloaded data is then uploaded into UKG payroll.
- TO DO: Nothing at this time, the process can remain as it is.
- TO DO: If time is going to be loaded into Multidev, the process of unloading time from UKG timekeeping would need to be reviewed, made a daily process and coordinated with an upload process into Multidev.
- Commissions
- At this time, there are Universe processes to
- Collect sales and determine commissions due.
- Collect information about SPIFFs paid.
- Provide a UI that allows for adjustments to commissions due, SPIFFs paid, record additional SPIFFs due and record paid bonuses (gifts, external cash) and due bonuses (associate contests)
- Export all related data for import into UKG using the UKG website.
- It is anticipated that Multidev will be able to calculate/adjust and make available for extract/download commission due, SPIFFs paid and SPIFFs due.
- TO DO: Review commission processing in Multidev and determine the method for extracting and manipulating this data for import into UKG.
- At this time, there are Universe processes to
- Incentive Pay
- External spreadsheets are prepared to calculate and make available for import to UKG payroll via the UKG website incentive pay including store quota performance bonuses for managers (MIP), district manager (RDMIP) and other incentives.
- TO DO***: Nothing at this time******, the process can remain as it is.***
- Time
- UKG to Universe
- After each payroll is processed, files are output from UKG and processed into Universe by accounting through various processes.
- Labor
- After each payroll is processed, files are output from UKG and processed into Universe by accounting through various processes.
- Labor reports are written and distributed through Universe.
- TO DO: Nothing at this time, the process can remain as it is.
- G/L
- The are some labor reports that leverages data that is the in PR.GL.
- TO DO: For Universe reports - nothing at this time, the process can remain as it is.
TO DO:*** Multidev has a Transaction Import process that takes a file and creates a journal entry for posting, including posting for payrolls that span calendar months. This utility could be used to read/process the file received from UKG or a file output from Universe. More training and familiarization is needed to understand the Multidev process. The value of using a file from Universe may be that in the initial stages (before adjustments to the Multidev process could be developed) the Universe process for generating an partial month accrual journal entry may be more desirable (more flexible, doesn’t effect the bank for the post/unpost of payrolls that span calendar months.***
Checks Written
- The vast majority of all payroll activity is paid via auto-deposit.
- However, in the last payroll there were 19 total physical checks written.
- There are two updates that need to be anticipated:
- Positive Pay
- Manually written checks - EastWest bank is updated for manually through their web site.
- Checks generated with the payroll – EastWest bank is updated via an unload from AP.BANKREC after the completed payroll is processed.
- Bank Reconcilement
- All checks written need to be registered in the G/L and then cleared.
- Positive Pay
- TO DO: Review the process within Multidev to record payroll checks written to support the bank reconciliation process.